Heavens Door Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml
Heaven's Door whiskey is a collaboration with Bob Dylan. This award-winning collection features an inspired bottle depicting the distinctive iron gates that were created by Dylan in his studio, Black Buffalo Ironworks. The unique gates were handcrafted from objects discovered across America.
The highly acclaimed collection of whiskeys are finished special French oak barrels. This award-winning Straight Rye Whiskey gets its rest in toasted oak cigar barrels, air-dried in the low-lying mountain region of Vosges, France. This unique, proprietary finishing creates a smoother, incredibly approachable rye with notes of citrus, coriander, and spice.
This impeccable rye has earned several awards including a Gold Medal at the 2018 San Francisco World Spirits Competition and received 94 points, Excellent, Highly Recommended, at The Ultimate Spirits Challenge.
ABV: 43%