Sagamore Spirit Signature Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml
Our spirit flows from a spring house, built in 1909, at Maryland’s Sagamore Farm – naturally filtered spring water, fed from a limestone aquifer. The same water that fuels our champion thoroughbreds also cuts the rich spice of our rye, creating a spirit as revolutionary as America’s risk-takers and history-makers. Our story is one of passion, of old meeting new, and crafting a timeless American whiskey.
Sagamore Spirit Rye Whiskey is a blend of two straight rye mash bills, aged 4 to 6 years in high-char American oak barrels. The first is a high-rye, which adds notes of cinnamon and clove, and the second, a low-rye, contributes notes of caramel, honey, and citrus peel. The final spirit is proofed with limestone-filtered water from our spring house built in 1909 and represents our team’s thoughtful approach to crafting a classic Maryland-style rye whiskey.