Garrison Brothers Laguna Madre 750ml
It is our great pleasure to introduce you to Garrison Brothers Laguna Madre, straight bourbon seasoned in rare Limousin oak casks. These French barrels are true works of art – highly sought-after, allocated, and incredibly expensive to boot Toasting this majestic oak activates unforgettable flavors of woody vanilla, sweet candy cacao and thick, white chocolate that you won’t soon forget.
The creamy finish of this bourbon is both sensuous and aromatic, like the endorphin-fueled natural high one feels in one’s soul while spending a beautiful day away from all the daily stresses life has to offer … perhaps under early afternoon sunlight, on the first day of spring, when the Laguna Madre shines forth like an azure band of aquamarine beckoning all to come out and play.
Intense A&W Root Beer meets Dublin Dr. Pepper. Vanilla bean. Hazelnut. Saltwater taffy. Hershey’s Kisses. Frosty white chocolate and “ADULTS ONLY” Almond Joy candy bar finish. Pucker up. 101 proof.