Benjamin Chapman 7 Year Whiskey 750ml
Brilliant, iridescent amber color with bright yellow hues when the light catches the whiskey just right. Cinnamon and vanilla spice dominate the nose with subtle layers of caramel apple, dark chocolate and maple syrup. An invitingly smooth sipper, there is a hint of spice promised from the rye, balanced with silky flavors of white chocolate and crème brûlée from the wheat. An explosion of spice leads to a pleasing and smooth finish with lingering flavors of toasted oak.
Tasting Notes
Aroma: Brilliant, iridescent amber color with bright yellow hues when the light catches the whiskey just right. Cinnamon and vanilla spice dominate the nose with subtle layers of caramel apple, dark chocolate and maple syrup.
Taste: An invitingly smooth sipper, there is a hint of spice promised from the rye, balanced with silky flavors of white chocolate and crème brûlée from the wheat.
Finish: An explosion of spice leads to a pleasing and smooth finish with lingering flavors of toasted oak.
ABV: 45%